Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Problem Solving: following a line with gaps

Today we worked on mastering the challenge that involves gaps. What we have to do is program our robot to follow a line that is a continuous track. Along the track there are many gaps that our robot has to go through. The original line program that we used on Monday is the same program we are using for this project, but we added steering to the opposite side of the original that way it can find another line to follow. We were able to program our robot using a touch sensor to steer and go through the gaps. The touch sensor allows the robot to adjust and coast when it runs into the gaps. The touch sensor is going to be controlled by Chris or Takumi and the whole mentor session they are working on perfecting their skills. The touch sensor allows the robot to turn right and light while moving forward until it finds where the line starts.
We were able to successfully program our robot to do this and he completed the course. We then tried making the robot faster, trying to get a better time than everyone else, but it ended up not working. It is hard to control the robot when it is moving so fast and it freaks out when it hits the gap. Towards the end of class, we just worked on making sure all of the small quirks that happen when steering and we fixed them.
We also worked on making our robot into a lizard. His name is Larry the Lazy Lizard. We are going for the “Best in Show” option for all of the assignments and our animals that we create seem to help us achieve that. He is so cute! You can see Larry the Lazy Lizard on the track and doing well in the picture at the top of this page. We plan to add back legs and make him seem even more like a lizard.

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